Are You Ready To Live With Increased Peace, Focus And Freedom?

Anxiety can impact every facet of well-being—from sleeping and eating patterns to relationships and productivity at work. Constantly on edge and in a state of worry, anxiety makes it hard to focus, rest, relate, and feel at ease.

People Dealing With Anxiety Often Feel:

  • Disoriented, immobilized, irritable, on edge, or jumpy

  • Stuck in a constant loop of worry—often about things that never occur

  • Physically uncomfortable with shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, or fatigue

  • As though they must strive to attain perfection or reach unrealistic expectations

  • They have beat themselves up for never being good enough

  • So anxious that they are unable to relax or enjoy themselves

Whether you struggle with generalized anxiety, social anxiety, OCD, fear of public speaking, or panic attacks, living with anxiety can be a deeply unsettling, uncomfortable, and fearful experience. You might constantly try to hide how anxious you are, which can impact relationships and make you feel even more disconnected and alone. And although you want to breathe easier and know that everything will be okay, ongoing anxiety symptoms may have you wondering if relief is possible.

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Phone: (212) 888-2888
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Anxiety Is Extremely Common In Today's Fast-Paced World

If you're struggling with anxiety, you are far from alone. Anxiety is the most common mental health issue in the US, impacting more than 40 million American adults every year.

Given that we live in a go-go-go culture in which we are expected to be constantly plugged-in, perform to perfection, and juggle so much at once, it's no wonder that so many people feel overwhelmed and unstable. We also live in an increasingly scary world. Between natural disasters, mass shootings, political, financial, and environmental uncertainties—all of which are publicized (and oftentimes dramatized) by the media 24/7—our nervous systems are in perpetual overload. Because we are in a relentless state of fight, flight, or freeze, we are constantly activated, even when no danger is immediately present.

Certain amounts of stress and anxiety can be helpful. It can help us meet deadlines, perform better, and keep us safe. However, when normal stress crosses over the line into anxiety, it can hinder our sense of well-being and even become debilitating. Some people are naturally predisposed to anxiety, while others develop anxiety following a trauma, loss, life transition, or period of heightened stress. Either way, anxiety can steal the ability to feel calm, present, and stable. And, it can become so severe that it turns into panic and impacts our ability to perform daily tasks or even leave the house. 

The good news is that while anxiety is the number one mental health issue in the US, it is also the most commonly and effectively treated. An experienced, understanding, and skilled mental health therapist can help you get to the root of your anxiety and resolve anxious thoughts and feelings so you can experience sustained relief.

Anxiety Therapy Provides You With Skills, Support, And Relief

In compassionate, supported counseling sessions, we can slow everything down and explore the thoughts, feelings, and fears that are fueling your anxiety. Sessions are a safe place for you to share anything and everything that comes up for you without fear of judgment. As you share thoughts and fears that you logically know are unrealistic, I can gently offer you comfort and a new perspective, which can help you become present with your experience and relax. We can also explore any negative feelings you have toward yourself as well as unrealistic expectations that may be causing shame, guilt, and fear. Together, we can work on reframing unhelpful thoughts and beliefs as well as practice techniques that can help you mitigate negative feelings before they become overwhelming. 

Although anxiety is prevalent in our society, I understand and appreciate that everyone experiences and heals from their pain in different ways. Together, we can develop an anxiety treatment plan that best supports, addresses, and values your unique experience. I can offer tools,  practices, and coping skills that you can use to help yourself in moments when heightened anxiety starts to set in. Although we can draw from a variety of approaches, I find that mindfulness meditation techniques can be especially helpful for calming and grounding yourself. The practice of mindfulness can help connect you with the present moment, reinforcing a sense of safety that allows you to acknowledge your thoughts and feelings without them consuming you. 

Nothing lasts forever, including anxiety. With support, guidance, and a willingness to explore, you can make empowered changes in the way you think and behave that can help you mitigate and even overcome the symptoms of anxiety completely. It is possible to get to the root of your distress and resolve lingering issues so that you are able to move forward feeling calm, centered, and at ease.

You still might wonder if anxiety therapy is right for you...

Does an anxiety diagnosis mean that I'll need to go on medication?

You do not have to do anything you are uncomfortable with, however, medication can be a helpful (and sometimes necessary) part of treatment. It can help regulate brain chemistry and improve how you feel so you can engage in therapy and other important parts of your life. And for some people, medication can be a short-term solution for improving their sense of well-being while getting to the root of and resolving anxiety through therapy.

However, if you are not interested in medication, there are many effective treatment strategies that do not include medication. My role is to provide you with options and information so that you can make the best decision for yourself.

I've heard that counseling for anxiety can be expensive and take a long time.

Anxiety steals our ability to be present, productive, and at peace. And, while there is a monetary investment in counseling, overcoming anxiety and gaining back time lost in worries can be priceless.

The length of time spent in therapy varies from person to person. Some people just need a few months to uncover and resolve the source of their suffering. Others, especially those who have experienced trauma, decide to remain in therapy longer to do the deeper work needed to heal.

I'm worried that talking about it will make me feel even worse.

It's not at all uncommon for people who are struggling with anxiety to worry that therapy will make them feel worse. Although this is a common fear, talking about your experience causes the anxiety to lose some of its power. By confronting and acknowledging your pain, you can gain the insight, awareness, and understanding needed to loosen the hold that anxiety has on you and begin living the life you want.

You Can Feel Present, Productive, And At Peace

If you’re struggling with anxiety in the Hamptons, North Fork or South Fork, NY or surrounding areas, I invite you to call my office at 212-888-2888 for a free phone consultation. I'm happy to discuss your specific needs and answer any questions you have about anxiety therapy and my practice.